About Us

JC Complete Skin Health - Beautiful Skin is a Commitment, with Exceptional Skin Care

JC Complete Skin Health products

The Experts in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

The entire staff of Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts is dedicated and committed to providing our clients with the highest integrity of services and treatments available. What sets Estrella Aesthetics apart from all others is our passion to deliver results that you deserve. We continually research our chosen and future treatments and continue our education to give you the results that you deserve.

Estrella Aesthetics has been awarded the following Prestigious Awards:

Estrella Aesthetics Team
  • Bellafill Diamond Elite Provider Award
  • Double Platinum Perlane Award
  • Dysport Titanium Award
  • Botox Diamond Award

Estrella Aesthetic & Surgical Arts is not only the most advanced medical aesthetic center, but also serves as a training center for fellow physicians and nurses seeking to advance there knowledge. Judi Castro, RN, MEP-C, APRN, CAC is a Certified Aesthetic Trainer for Medicis Aesthetics; the makers of Restylane Lyft, formerly known as Perlane-L® and Dysport.

We know the signs of aging can cause clients to look older than they actually feel, making them uncomfortable in their appearance. As the Experts in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, the staff of Estrella Aesthetics understands the connection between taking pride in one's appearance and a positive, healthy self-esteem. We offer a wide range of anti-aging procedures to ease the signs of aging to help our clients look like enhanced versions of themselves, while feeling better than ever.


Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts

2550 Tuscany St. Suite 103
Corona, CA 92881
P: (951) 272-4455